Agathe Bouton - Artiste peintre - Graveur


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Dans ce travail, Agathe est inspirée par l’urbanisme qui l’entoure.

Elle crée des paysages urbains, évocations d’architecture et espace de vies.

La couleur monochrome joue un rôle important dans la composition, tantôt en demi teinte, tantôt dégradé de camaïeux, apportant vie aux lieux qui habitent notre quotidien.



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Since she arrived in the States, Agathe has been inspired by the urbanism she saw around her. At the same time she remembered back to the Le Corbusier-designed apartment block where her Grandparents lived, and to the playful modernism in the films of Jacques Tati that she watched as a child. This combination of influences led her to create urban landscapes, evoking architecture and different living and working spaces – looking both backwards and forwards to beauty in design.

Colour has always had an important place in Agathe’s work, which has often focused on engraving and print art. Here the work is monochrome echoing traditional engraving and etching, yet the colour appears in half-tones and different shades, bringing the graphic compositions to life.

She mixes monotype with etching plates and plays with paper collage to recreate her vision, her architecture – finding beauty, making beauty, in the urbanism that surrounds us, and the lives lived within these spaces.