Agathe Bouton - Artiste peintre - Graveur


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Agathe Bouton is a French artist, originally from Paris. She moved from Istanbul to Philadelphia a year ago, and is now based in Wynnewood PA.   She works mainly in various forms of engraving, but also in painting and collage.

She studied in one of the finest and most famous applied art schools of Paris, ESAA Duperre, and has shown her art in many exhibitions in France, Germany, and around Europe, as well as Australia, Japan and India. She has won a number of awards for her work.

Some of Agathe’s work is displayed at the Gallery Martine Namy-Caulier in Paris, and she also has work in the permanent collection of the National Library of Paris.

Since leaving Paris 10 years ago Agathe has lived in London, Rangoon (Burma), Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Dakar (Senegal), and Istanbul (Turkey), before now settling in the US. Her work is inspired and fed by all her experiences and the cultures she has discovered during her travels. 

Her work breaks the boundaries of the traditional medium of engraving and etching. Her modern approach to this ancient technique means her work tends to be more colourful and pictorial, and less graphic than traditional engraving.